2. When I meet a new person, I immediately want to know their middle name. I really like to ask this question to Jane Doe’s or John Smith’s. (I obviously don’t ask this question right away, but as soon as it is appropriate.) My Theory: Common first names seem to succeed common middle names. Original first name (which already gets a bonus point, in my book) usually has a unique middle name. This is a tried and true theory; I’d say, 98% of the time. The only exception I have found to my theory is my sister. Miss M has a very popular first name and a middle name that is in my top three “all time greatest original middle name.” Oh, and if I happen to think that you’re middle name is more original than your first or better fits your personality; you can count on me calling you by your middle name. As I’ve explained before, my little cousin (Matt) has graciously tolerated the fact that I only refer to him as Henry.
3. I am deathly afraid of heights. It’s a fear that’s getting worse with age.
4. Contrary to # 3, (and) as long as I’m not sitting by the window; I have an overwhelming feeling that I am the safest person in the world whilst I am flying. Weird, I know.
5. My favorite colors are yellow and orange. I would decorate my whole house in these two colors; if I owned a house that is.
6. My favorite flowers are dandelions or black-eyed-Susans. No, dandelions are not a weed. Many have tried to convince me of this. I’m not falling for it.
7. At times, I am overly stubborn.
8. I love to argue. Not in a bad, I’m always right, kind of way. I love to debate politics.
9. I will never (again) date a conservative, OR someone who’s view of politics and world events is “comme ci, comme ca." Have your own opinion, for cryin’ out loud!
10. If you don’t like my dog, I don’t like you.
11. Every day (on average) I drink a pot of coffee. Usually before noon.
12. I met (one) of my best friends when I was 12. Three years later, when we were freshmen in high school we had five classes in a row together. Lina (my bff), actually does have a very unique first name. However, I started calling her Lina when met in 6th grade. The name has just sorta stuck. I like it this way. It fits her personality. She’s loud, yet soft spoken. Strong- willed, yet open-minded. She knows limits, and (on more than one occasion) has put me in check with reality. Lina has been the yin to my yang for 11 years, god bless her soul.
13. My first driver’s license came in the mail with my name spelled wrong. It said Julia. I didn’t get it fixed until I was 18; the age required for license renewal. (I had only been pulled over once in those 2 years; for expired tabs. The fact that Julia was on my license wasn't something I deemed urgent enough to spend $12 to get fixed.) However, the DMV lady screamed at me in front of a massive crowd for at least 5 minutes the day I went to change my license from Provisional to Under 21. The DMV lady said, “One is supposed to notify the DMV immediately if there is an error on their license.” I responded with, “It’s only one letter. If you could please change the A to an E; it will all be just fine.” My DMV friend didn’t like my positive attitude. She said, “Well, since you’re so sure that this is only a small error, why don’t you, your license, and your birth certificate go to Chicago? That’s where our government documents are processed.” Rolling my eyes, I said “Okay ma’am, can you just leave the name as Julia?” After all, I only needed the yellow paper as a valid ID and the name Julia hadn’t done any damage for the two years that it was previously on my MN ID. Also, I was 18; I had places to go and people to see who were more important than arguing with a woman at the DMV. At that point my DMV friend,(again, yelling) stated: “Young lady, I can not LIE to the Federal Government. You said your name was JULIE, not JULIA. Make up your mind!” I lost my cool at this point.
Thoughts in my head:
Hey, DMV lady- c'mon now. This error was not my mistake. I know how to spell my name. I obviously spelled it right when I filled out the yellow papers on the day I passed my driver’s test. So, exactly why are you blaming your mistake on me? Go take your "I'm having a bad day" anger out on someone your own age!I replied to my DMV 'Friend' (in no less than an overly sarcastic tone), “Ya know what? I’ll take me, my license and my birth certificate to CHICAGO. While I’m there, I’ll swing by the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU.” And with that, I grabbed my paperwork off the counter and stormed out. I didn’t go to Chicago; I went to a DMV in a different city in my county. They fixed my name. Sans screaming.
14. I am related to Ulysses S. Grant. The 18th US President.
15. I bought a PS2 three years ago. I had never before enjoyed video games, unless you count Sega Geneses; which of course I loved from age 6-9; Sonic the Hedgehog, Toe Jam and Earl…
Back to my story: 3 Christmases ago, Doc Holiday and Miss M were in MN for Holiday. Doc brought his PS2 and about 30 golf, hockey, and baseball video games. Per usual, Doc packs a separate suitcase just for his video games when he stays at my parent’s house. That year, however Doc packed a little something extra. Two Guitars—for Guitar Hero (GH). M and Doc stayed for 10 days. For 9 of those days I would see Doc jamming to GH anytime he wasn’t obligated to be doing family stuff. Seriously, I bet Doc asked me at least 50 times during that week if I wanted to play with him. Each time I would reply, “I don’t do video games.” Doc, being a nice brother-in-law would say, “You’ve never even tried it! How can you not like it? C’mon, just give it a chance.” “Nope,” I would reply and go upstairs. Two days before Miss M and Doc were going to be heading back to the Lone Star State, I came home one evening to find my entire family hootin' and hollerin' in our basement. Doc had rounded up The Dutchmen, Divine Miss M, Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp’s ex-wife, and Susie Q; who were all taking turns playing GH.
After being harassed by each member of my family, I finally gave in and tried it. I took the fake guitar (and) with Doc at my side we dueled over Sweet Child of Mine. Of course Doc won, but that’s not the point. Seeing myself (faux) play a G N’ R song, hooked me. For the next 24 hours that Miss M and Doc were at my parent’s house, I would beg Doc to play GH with me. Right as I was getting the hang of it, *Poof*, Doc and Miss M had left; Guitar Hero in tow.
This is where my dream started. A dream that I would have every night for the next two weeks. A dream that picked up where it left off each night as I lay my head on my pillow.
In my dream I was teaching a tribe of Native Americans (Ojibwa to be specific) how to play Guitar Hero. They were dressed in authentic apparel; headdress and all. My family is part Ojibwa; which can only explain a very small portion of this reoccurring dream.
After two weeks of this repetitive dream, I thought it was time to consult Doc about his opinion of the reoccurring dream. Doc Holiday is, after all, a doctor. So I called up Doc, described my dream to him and then asked (as anyone would), “is this, like, normal?” Doc assured me my dream-dilemma would eventually stop. When I asked what I should do about my GH dream- dilemma in the mean time, Doc simply answered, “Go buy a PS2, Jules.” Doc is a very rational person. I replied, “Well, aren’t those, like, expensive?” Doc took the time to inform me about Game Stop; a store that sells and buys used video game necessities. (A Must Know for any gamer.) He even Goggled the closest Game Stop store to my house. (Note: I had called Doc at his work to discuss my crazy GH dream.) He was sitting at his desk discussing his sister-in-law’s Guitar Hero dream-dilemma, while I'm sure he had actual patients that needed treating. Doc is that great of a guy. After he told me where the store was, I hopped in my car and went to purchase my PS2, Guitar Hero I, Guitar Hero 2. And a spare cordless Guitar; being a gamer is not a cheap hobby. But ya know what? Doc had prescribed the perfect prescription to cure my repetitive and endless dream about Native Americans wanting me to teach them GH. I have been Guitar-Hero-Dream-Free for almost 4 years.
16. I memorized all 23 helping-verbs in 6th grade. I can recite them in under 5 seconds. I proved this point in 11th grade when my chemistry teacher, Mr. Zabel, asked us to share a fact about ourselves to the class; a first day ‘mixer’ or what have you. He didn’t believe I could do it. He watched the clock the entire time I rattled off the verbs. It took me just over 4.5 seconds. I didn’t memorize these verbs because it was required. I memorized them because The Dutchmen, who often helped me with homework in middle school, felt it was necessary to remind his children of what it was like ‘Back in His Day.’ The Dutchmen would say something like: “You think this is hard? Listen, kiddo. When I was in 7th grade Mrs. Olson (his 7th grade English teacher) didn’t think twice before she’d whack us over the knuckles with a ruler if we didn’t have our homework memorized. You only have to do the homework! Try memorizing 23 helping verbs." (The Dutchmen would then rattle the 23 verbs that he still knew by heart.) To prove that I could learn and memorize at 12 years old (just as well as my father), I sat at our kitchen table one evening and memorized all 23 helping verbs.
17. When watching a DVD I always put on the English subtitles. Always.
18. I lost 90 pounds in 12 months. The secret? Eating less.
19. I love Elvis Presley. My favorite Elvis is '68-'74. Oh, and I'm an Elvis Insider (any true Elvis fan knows what I'm talkin' about).
20. I refer to my dad as The Dutchmen on my blog because he's in a polka band. Yes, there is polka music on my iPod. It's nostalgic.
21. Because of liquid Dimetapp I hate, hate, Hate anything flavored grape.
22. Carrots are my favorite food. I used to eat so many carrots as a child that my skin would be slightly pigmented orange. True Fact.
23. I have not been inside a Walmart since September 2007.
24. I laugh at inappropriate times and places. The best example of this is when my extended family will gather to pray before a Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter dinner. Here's what goes down:
- Everyone holds hands.
- An adult family member will lead the prayer. He/She will ask that everyone close their eyes.
- **I never close my eyes.
- This is when a smirk develops across my face. I’ll look at one of my cousins, who is usually acting either a.) exactly as I am (very uncomfortable) or b.) I'll spot one who is wholeheartedly into the prayer being said.
- If I see someone who is really feeling the love of said prayer, my face begins to develop a smirk.
- I'll try to stare at the ground and try to keep my smirk tame in fear that it might become a smile.
- Then, I’ll usually catch a glimpse of Wyatt Earp. Wyatt (guaranteed) will have his eyes closed, be holding the hand of a cousin, and his face will be turned up towards the ceiling. **Whenever I see Wyatt's facial expression while he's praying; here's what I think:
- He's pretending Dave Matthews is giving the prayer. Better yet, Dave is praying and we're all at a Powwow. Wyatt’s Ojibwa brothers and sisters are all gathered around a spectacular fire to hear DMB shout some glory to the Maker of this Beautiful World.
- This is when my smirk will turn into a smile.
- The smile will turn into a soft laugh.
- Then, a slightly louder laugh.
- This event climaxes when I have to *fake* cough in order to regain my composure for the duration of the prayer.
25. I am a horrible back seat driver. A lot of people don’t like the way I drive, which sucks for them. This is because I hate, hate, HATE not being in control of the vehicle I’m sitting in. I think this reverts back to the fact that I hate driving in general and would much rather fly in an airplane any day, anywhere.