Word of the Day: Julie Style

Word of the Day: Thursday 6.17.2010

Big Word: Epoch


Noun: an event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period and/or development. Also, a memorable event or date

Julie's Translation Small Word: FOR-EV-ER

Please people, make sure you enunciate all three syllables.
Because it's summer time. Because I said so. And, because The Sandlot is the best summer movie. Ever.
'Nuff said.


Word of The Day: Monday 4.5.2010

Big Word: Obstreperous


adjective: marked by unruly or aggressive noise

Julie's Translation Small Word: Rowdy

Word of the Day: Monday 3.29.2010

Big Word: Zaftig (It's a Yiddish word - see today's post)


adjective: a woman having a full rounded figure: pleasingly plump

Julie's Translation Small Word(s): Junk in the Trunk
Word of the Day: Monday 3.22.2010

Big Word: Agelast


noun: a person who never laughs

Julie's Translation Small Word(s): A Really Boring Person

Word of the Day: Friday 3.19.2010

Big Word: Magniloquent


adjective: speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner

Julie's Translation Small Word: Pompous

Word of the Day: Tuesday 3.16.2010

Big Word: Spurious


adjective: outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its genuine qualities

Julie's Translation Small Word: Phony
Word of the Day: Monday 3.15.2010

Big Word: Didactic


adjective: intended to convey instruction and information

Julie's Translation Small Word: Teach


Word of the Day: Sunday 3.14.2010

Big Word: Machination


noun: implies a contriving of annoyances, injuries, or evils by indirect means

Julie's Translation: Small Word: Conspiracy

Word of the Day: Saturday 3.13.2010

Big Word: Idiosyncrasy


noun: an abnormal response to something

Julie's Translation Small Word: Unusual 

Word of the Day: Friday 3.12.2010

I'd like to throw today's 'Big Word' out to my advisor. (Hi, Rabbi!)
True Fact: My advisor Loves to use today's word in just about every conversation. Seriously, I have yet to find another person (besides the Rabbi) who uses this term more times a day than he does.

Big Word: Ambiguous

adjective: having two or more meanings

Julie's Translation Small Word: Vague -- personally I think vague is a bad example of a small word for today. However, vague essentially has no meaning and therefore communicates the intent of the word ambiguous rather well.
as Julie would say,  "Dude, what you're talking about is, like, totally lacking clarity."

Yes, my dear readers-- I say dude, man, and seriously far too frequently, I know this.

What can I say?

I am a product of the 80's. For that, you can blame Susie Q and The Dutchmen.

The fact that I talk like it's still the 90's? I have to blame this on Pauly Shore. Or, rather Pauly Shore's characters' in Encino Man and Son-in-Law; Stoney and Crawl.


"Right, Bud-dy?"

Word of the Day: Monday 3.8.2010

Big Word: Hypochondria

noun: a belief that real or imagined physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, despite medical reassurance and other evidence

Julie's Translation Small Word: Cuckoo--(A.K.A.) there is nothing you are suffering from that an aspirin will not fix.


Word of the Day: Sunday 3.7.2010

Big Word: Thaumaturgy 


 noun : the performance of miracles

Julie's Translation Small Word: Magic


Word of the Day Saturday 3.6.2010

It's well known that I am not a fan of big words. I think that adding a "word of the day" page on this site would benefit everyone. Well, maybe it will only benefit me, but that's okay.

Here's the Guidelines: I'm going to post a big word on here every day (or try to), followed by the small word that fits the equivalent. Everyone understand? Good.

First Big Word..................Drum-roll please....................



adjective: marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds
Julie's Translation Small Word(s):  Excessively Optimistic

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