Word of the Day: Thursday 6.17.2010
Big Word: Epoch
Noun: an event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period and/or development. Also, a memorable event or date
Julie's Translation Small Word: FOR-EV-ER
Please people, make sure you enunciate all three syllables.
Because it's summer time. Because I said so. And, because The Sandlot is the best summer movie. Ever.
'Nuff said.
Word of The Day: Monday 4.5.2010
Big Word: Obstreperous
adjective: marked by unruly or aggressive noise
Julie's Translation Small Word: Rowdy
Word of the Day: Monday 3.29.2010
Big Word: Zaftig (It's a Yiddish word - see today's post)
adjective: a woman having a full rounded figure: pleasingly plump
Julie's Translation Small Word(s): Junk in the Trunk
Word of the Day: Monday 3.22.2010
Big Word: Agelast
noun: a person who never laughs
Julie's Translation Small Word(s): A Really Boring Person
Word of the Day: Friday 3.19.2010
Big Word: Epoch
Noun: an event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period and/or development. Also, a memorable event or date
Please people, make sure you enunciate all three syllables.
Because it's summer time. Because I said so. And, because The Sandlot is the best summer movie. Ever.
'Nuff said.
Word of The Day: Monday 4.5.2010
Big Word: Obstreperous
adjective: marked by unruly or aggressive noise
Word of the Day: Monday 3.29.2010
Big Word: Zaftig (It's a Yiddish word - see today's post)
adjective: a woman having a full rounded figure: pleasingly plump
Word of the Day: Monday 3.22.2010
Big Word: Agelast
noun: a person who never laughs
Word of the Day: Friday 3.19.2010
Big Word: Magniloquent
adjective: speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner
Word of the Day: Tuesday 3.16.2010
Big Word: Spurious
adjective: outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its genuine qualities
Word of the Day: Monday 3.15.2010
Big Word: Didactic
adjective: intended to convey instruction and information
Word of the Day: Sunday 3.14.2010
Big Word: Machination
noun: implies a contriving of annoyances, injuries, or evils by indirect means
Word of the Day: Saturday 3.13.2010
Big Word: Idiosyncrasy
noun: an abnormal response to something
Word of the Day: Friday 3.12.2010
I'd like to throw today's 'Big Word' out to my advisor. (Hi, Rabbi!)
True Fact: My advisor Loves to use today's word in just about every conversation. Seriously, I have yet to find another person (besides the Rabbi) who uses this term more times a day than he does.
Big Word: Ambiguous
adjective: having two or more meanings
as Julie would say, "Dude, what you're talking about is, like, totally lacking clarity."
Yes, my dear readers-- I say dude, man, and seriously far too frequently, I know this.
What can I say?
I am a product of the 80's. For that, you can blame Susie Q and The Dutchmen.
The fact that I talk like it's still the 90's? I have to blame this on Pauly Shore. Or, rather Pauly Shore's characters' in Encino Man and Son-in-Law; Stoney and Crawl.
"Right, Bud-dy?"
Word of the Day: Monday 3.8.2010
Big Word: Hypochondria
noun: a belief that real or imagined physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, despite medical reassurance and other evidence
Word of the Day: Sunday 3.7.2010
Big Word: Thaumaturgy
noun : the performance of miracles
Word of the Day Saturday 3.6.2010
It's well known that I am not a fan of big words. I think that adding a "word of the day" page on this site would benefit everyone. Well, maybe it will only benefit me, but that's okay.
Here's the Guidelines: I'm going to post a big word on here every day (or try to), followed by the small word that fits the equivalent. Everyone understand? Good.
First Big Word..................Drum-roll please....................
adjective: marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds
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