Because I know you're all dying to know, or because I should have done a better introduction before now; I'm going to take a brief moment and introduce you to 'my people'. We all have them. The ones you call when you're happy, sad, or just need to talk. I'll start with Susie Q and The Dutchmen. My parents.

Meet my sister, the Divine Miss M and her husband Doc Holiday. Miss M has taught me a lot in life. I don't think a little sister could ask for better role model. She's very smart, sassy, and chic.
Doc is from Jersey. He is a funny, geeky, goofy, smart-alack, (sometimes) purple, sports freak. He also has an accent. Not a 'Joysey' accent, it's a mix of the east coast/mid-west; one has to hear him speak to understand.
Doc and Miss M are two peas in a pod. Love ya guys!
This is one of my favorite pics of me and Doc from Xmas 2009.
We were watching Oklahoma! and obviously, very excited.
Last but not least...
My big brother, Wyatt Earp. He's a laid back, outdoor lovin', sarcastic,"mess with the bull, you'll get the horns", kinda guy. And he likes guns. So I call him Wyatt Earp. (If you havent noticed, Tombstone is one of my favorite movies).
Like Doc Holiday, Wyatt Earp also has an accent. He acquired it over the years. One word: Fargo.
I'll give you a quick example of how he sounds. This is a exact word-for-word voicemail he left me a couple nights ago: "Yaw, Julie? Okey, yaw, this 'ers yer brother. Yaw....I'm gonna need yaw to call me back. Awwwww, yah. Yaw know 'de number. Awwww, ookay? Yep, guess that's all. Tak to yaw soon."
He's Wyatt Earp. 'nuff said.
I still have plenty more people to introduce (which is why this is titled Part I). For now, these are the people who will commonly appear in my chronicle. Part deux will come later....
"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city." -George Burns
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