Today's post involves stories of Miss M, Donnie Wahlberg and Celeb Nicknames.
Let's start with a fun memory:
In the early 90's, I shared a bedroom with Miss M. Actually, we shared a bed.
Being that I have a certain tendency to talk in a "Chatty-Cathy-Julie" style; staying quiet at night was hard for this girl. Miss M would yell(usually more than once a night): "Mom, can you come in here and make Julie be quiet?!"
In which, Susie Q would would open our door and gently remind me that it was time to sleep.
That usually only kept me quiet for a couple of minutes.
Miss M had to find a solution on her own, heaven forbid her sleep be compromised by her punk kid sister.
Again people, let me remind you: it was the 90's.
Five letters: NKOTB.
Above our bed, Miss M had hung a NKOTB poster. Now, I love NKOTB as much as the next girl. But when I was 6 years old, Donnie Wahlberg was FRICKIN SCARY LOOKING.
So, to shut her kid sister up (kid sister with an impressive imagination, I'd like to add) Miss M would say in a 'gritted-teeth-tight-lipped' tone (to make her sister understand the severity):
" Julie! If you don't zip your lips Donnie is going to come out of that poster and eat you!!"
Okay. Again, I was 6 years old. Anyone remember what Donnie Wahlberg looked in 1991? Let me remind you:

Point of story: Unless you want to have nightmares of Donnie Wahlberg with a gotee, crazy side-burns, wearing a bandanna and has the eyes-of-the-devil as he's running after you in a forest while simultaneously attempting to bite you; shut up and go to bed.
Next topic for today: I have always loved, loved, LOVED celebs whose Hollywood nickname is their initials.
JTT ( Jonathan Taylor-Thomas)

I don't care what year you were born; all girls of the 90's had a JTT crush at one point or another. Excuse me, did you actually think that we were watching Home Improvement because of Tim Allen. Please.
RDJ (Robert Downey, Jr.)
Noooooooooo, not this RDJ:

I'm talking about the sober RDJ. This Handsome RDJ:

Do you remember the film Only You? You shouldn't, it was a terrible film. However, if you haven't seen Charlie Barttlet, you're missing out.
SJP ( Sarah Jessica Parker)
Now, I like Sex in the City, but I first came to know SJP as 'Janey' in Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Before she married Ferris Bueller:

and who could forget her side-kick, Lynne? Helen Hunt doesn't make the list of celebs with the best nick-names--but I'd hate for my readers to not know what Helen Hunt looked like in this 1984 flick:

No blog about celeb nicknames is complete with out these fine men:

JFK, RFK, and EMK. John Fitzgerald, Robert Francis, Edward Moore
and.... since were taking presidents:

FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) ps-- I am not a fan of that guy.

LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson)
Here's a personal favorite:

MLK, Jr.
The next two pics involve men who are not known for their nicknames. However, this is my blog and I'm breaking the rules.
I love this picture of Theodore. I can't help but wonder what he's laughing at.

I'll end this post with a little something to make you smile on a Monday morning:

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