I'm Tired. Actually I'm really, really Tired.
One word can describe the week I've had: LONG.
On Monday I drove to the Cities to spend the night at my parents'. I had to be at the airport at 4 am on Tuesday for a day-trip to DC. My parents live about 15 minutes from the airport and I live 2 hours away. Spending Monday night at my folks allowed me to get two more hours of (much needed) sleep...
As I entered my parent's home I noticed a note on the counter written by The Dutchmen:
water turned off in laundry room.
At this point, it dawned on me that Susie Q and The Dutchmen were on Holiday for 10 days in Texas, visiting Divine Miss M and Doc Holiday...
After turning on the heat (which too, had been turned off), I called The Dutchmen to discuss the fact that I was in a house with no running water. The Dutchmen did his best to explain to me how a socket wrench works. Believe you me, it's tougher than it looks. But I pulled it off thanks to The Dutchmen's step-by-step instructions and was able to take a shower before getting a few hours of sleep.
I woke up at 2 am and was at the Humphrey Terminal by 3:30. After spending the day in DC at USHMM, being awake for 22 hours--It was a very Long, Long day. But any amount of sleep deprivation is worth it (to visit USHMM) in my book.
Then, a couple days ago my advisor invited me to share in Shabbat dinner with his family. I jumped at the opportunity to do so. I hadn't seen my advisor/mentor in a couple months as he is on sabbatical this semester.
Friday afternoon and evening I was able to talk and catch-up with my advisor, The Rebel Rabbi about school, life, my future, jobs, etc... The good conversation was followed by an amazing Shabbat dinner. Seriously, Amazing does not do justice to the meal I had last night.
I stayed until around 8 pm and then drove back up to Central MN. I was tired while driving home. Tired yet content. It had been a very good day.
I had to stop at my apartment before going over to Wyatt Earp's house- where I'm house/dog sitting for the next two weeks.
I entered the door to my building, walked up the stairs, turned my key and opened my door. In the entry/hall way into my apartment I have a plaque hanging on the wall. I just bought it on Tuesday at USHMM. It says,
Blessed are you in coming in,on one side and
Blessed are you going out.on the other side. In the middle of the plaque there is Hebrew writing.
As I was just about to close the door behind me, I heard a voice walk by that is all too familiar.
It was the voice of a young punk who lives down the hall from me. He was walking by my door and saw the plaque on my wall.
I know this young man in the very loosest sense of the word. He likes to stand outside our building. A lot. If I happen to be letting my dog out (which I often do while I'm outside), he'll usually strike up a small conversation with me.
But nothing, I mean nothing could have prepared me for what came out of this punk's mouth.
Julie has unlocked her apartment door and is walking in and taking off her shoes. She was holding her door open a bit, as she took her socks off.
A young man walks by... pauses and turns around and says in a very loud voice, "Hey. Like, how Jewish are you"?
Julie: "Beg your pardon"?
Punk: "I see that Jewish thingy on your wall". He was pointing his finger at my wall.
Julie: "Oh." I didn't want to pursue this convo any further. I was tired and had only stopped home for a minute or two. I smiled shrugged my shoulders as if to say I dunno, and started to shut my door.
Again, the Punk repeats: " So like, how Jewish are you"?
Hold your Horses. Did this kid actually ask HOW Jewish I am? He didn't ask if I was Jewish. He assumed I was from a plaque. I promise you, dear readers, I tried really hard to maintain my composure as I swung open my apartment door to educate this punk on a thing or two.
I've been trying to keep my cool these days when religion comes up... but this, this put me over the edge.
I replied with the first thing that came to my (exhausted) mind:
Julie: "How Catholic are you"? I had no idea if this punk-kid was actually Catholic, but that's a well educated guess, in Central Mn.
Punk: "What? Um..I guess I'm... oh, wait.... that's right, Jewish is a religion".
Julie: "Judaism is a religion". A person who practices Judaism is Jewish.
Punk: "I always forget that, that Jewish is,... like, yaw know, not a.... a... an ethnicity. Ya know like how Muslims' is........"
Thought in my head:
Second thought in my head:
Aw, Screw it. This kid needed a good lesson in religion and ethnicity (not to mention grammar).
I was now leaning diagonally in my door way, arms crossed, legs crossed, my lips were pursed with anger. My body language alone should have told this punk to back down and lay off the questions.
With my forehead and eyebrows scrunched, I said to the punk, "Huh. So like, what country do the Muslim's come from?"
No lie, it took the punk about 1 second to reply with, "Africa."
My point was proven. The punk was/is an imbecile.
I was shaking my head with disbelief. In a very sarcastic tone I said: "Huh uh. Africa is a continent. The entire population on the continent of Africa are not Muslim."
Punk: "Well, you know what I mean. They're like, over there." He gestured with his hands. "Like, by Africa."
Julie: "Are you referring to the Middle East"?
Punk: "Yea, yea! The Middle East! I forget it's name".
My cheeks were the color of a fire engine. My eyes were glaring. My eyebrows and forehead were scrunched--This punk was making the crows feet around my eyes double by the second. His grammar alone made me want to whack some sense into him!
I was staring at the ground, rubbing my forehead with my hand while I thought about what I was going to say to the punk to make him understand the difference between religion/race/ethnicity.
It was late. I was tired. I started to mumble... "Ya know, I gotta get going". I pointed inside my apartment. "But you, you should really buy a ma... Hold on. Wait! Stay right there. Don't move! I'll be right back!" I ran to my living room wall. I looked over all my maps. After deciding which one I could do without I tore (one) of the three world maps I own off my wall. I walked back to my door while rolling the map up in my hands. "Here," I handed him the rolled map. "Study it. Keep it. When you find the country called Muslim or Jewish, let me know."
The punk, who now had a scrunched face of his own, replied with "Um. Thanks."
Julie: "Seriously. S-t-u-d-y IT."
And with that, I shut the door to my apartment.
Maybe with the help of a map, the punk will be able to realize the difference between religion/race/ethnicity. If not through my map, then that punk needs to start wikipedia-ing in a big, bad way.
Either way, I'm sure the punk will want to talk about this topic (if/when) I run into him again.
I'm going to have to work on my patience until then. Patience is not one of my strongest virtues.
Hahaha, I can just imagine you having this conversation. Jewish is a religion :)