I thought "Jules, you gotta build your own website."
Brilliant, right?
A website where I could have a different page for each of the topics I write about.
Pages Titled:
Julie's Random Thoughts and Rants
No, I'm not lying. I am a Holocaust Studies Student.
Tips and Tidbits for Future Students of Holocaust Studies.
Page three will definitely be my favorite. It would include tips like:
When in Barnes and Noble, respectfully standing in the WWII/Holocaust section, (AKA the only reason worth going to B&N in your mind.) DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT talk to anyone. If this means having to pretend you're deaf, so be it.
I've learned this lesson the hard way.
More than once.
Answering any question, weather it be from a B&N employee or the cute boy standing next to you in the 'military' section of WWII, will only end with you being humiliated. Take my word.
Scenario: You are in B&N. Standing in your favorite section, deep in a book that you want to buy (but since your a college student, you'll probably debate the price and end up writing down the title/author, go home and purchase it on Amazon for a quarter of the price. You know it's true.)
The Cute Boy is glancing in your direction. He notices you're already half way through the book you plan to buy *wink, wink*; a book entitled Rethinking the Holocaust. He moves a little closer to you and asks, "Are you a student at State?"
You: "Yea."
Cute Boy: "Really? What's your major?"
You: "Umm... it's a specialized history major."
Cute Boy: "I'm a history major too."
Thoughts in your head: "Duh, cute boy. Why else would you be in this section of the store? It can't be just to talk to me. After all, I have no make-up on and came from the gym." You flash a smile acknowledging the mutual area of study, and continue reading. Eyes in Book.
Cute boy: "So, what are you specializing in?"
You: "The Holocaust."
Cute Boy: Says nothing. He'll make a nodding notion with his head, which of course means he's thinking your a wacko. or Jewish. Either way, his mother wouldn't approve. Where I live, 99% of boys are German Catholic. He's probably picturing his grandmother rolling in her grave. He might stay in the WWII section for a bit longer or do a glance at the watch and make a gee, I gotta run facial expression.
During this time, unbeknownst to you your cheeks will be turning the shade of "Judy Garland Shoes RED". This happens as you try to find the sentence you were reading in the book your holding, before the Cute Boy started up a convo with you. Then the thought of how he'll re-tell this story to his friends; the story about a wacko girl at B&N who actually wants to specialize in the Holocaust will be told at his next house party.
See my point? Talking + Bookstore = humiliation.
I assure you, this whole situation is avoidable. I took two semesters of Sign Language in college, but for those of you who need to learn how to sign, "I'm deaf".
Here ya go:

Today's point: I'm a Holocaust Studies student; The Dutchmen knows more about the Internet and web building than me. So my brilliant build your own website, Jules! --Is something I probably should have spent more time researching. Between finding a host and a domain and all other terms and nonsense that I had no clue came with building a website... I may have bit off more than I can chew...
It might take a couple weeks before it's up and running, and I'll post the URL on here when it's ready. However, in the meantime I wont be posting very often. Thanks for your patience!
PS--I've been working on my photo shop skills. Here's a pic I took last summer:
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